Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jason is turning 10!

We are so proud of him! He has beat substantial odds and is turning into a son we are very proud of. I am going to copy and paste below what I wrote in my blog on myspace below. I have to say that Jason has taught us soooo much and to be very thankful for all the good around us. Sometimes life can be so unfair, but how you choose live with what you are dealt is what makes our days happy ones. Here is my entry from my blog...

Our little boy with be 10 years old in just a few days on September 7th and is going into the 4th grade at school!!!! He is getting so big! Where has all the time gone? Seems like just yesterday he was born. We are so thankful to have been blessed with such a great gift as Jason. Every day is a new adventure with him. Even though he has been dealt some cards in life that some may view as unfair, our son is very resilient and he makes the best of it and has a ton of fun doing it. He has beat all the odds that were stacked against him at birth. Every time he hits another milestone or achieves a goal, we just want to stand up and cheer! He wakes up every morning with a smile on his face and ready to go for it....We love you Jason! And we look forward to many more years of adventure with you Mr. Moo. (He would hurt me if he knew I was posting that nickname, LOL. He has informed me he is too old for these)


Kiera said...

Happy birthday Jason!!

What a beautiful tribute to an amazing pre-teen :)

ellen :) said...

He is a fabulous little boy!!! You have also done a great job with him, Alais!! :) Don't forget it takes great parents for all of that success, too!! :)

ellen :) said...

Correction.... BIG boy!!! What was I thinking??!! ;) (Luke would kill me if I called him a little boy!) :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks ladies for the great comments....I am just having a hard time knowing he will be turning 10 on Sunday! Where did the time go?

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Jason though I am a little late!! Just by a hair. Jason does sound amazing. What a great kid. I agree with Ellen, it takes a great mom to have such a great kid. He had to learn it from you. He is a cutie too!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Amy...he turned 10 without a hitch and his birthday party was a huge success! We had pirates and pool time, plus a taco bar that was really yummy. :o) I have a 10 year old now, just trying to let it all sink in.

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